DHN - Take a look at who is behind #WhoWillAnswer and the amazing work it is doing for Deaf domestic violence victims across the country in the United States of America.
Help in the national campaign to fund 24/7 access to domestic violence services in American Sign Language.
Communication Service for the Deaf (CSD) and Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services (ADWAS) are giving you the chance... now answer the call and donate today - www.WhoWillAnswer.org
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#WhoWillAnswer The Calls?The National Domestic Violence Hotline partners with Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services to provide a Hotline staffed by Deaf Advocates who communicate in American Sign Language and answer calls from 9am-5pm PST, Monday through Friday.
But what about calls that occur after 5pm and on weekends when the Deaf advocates are not available to receive calls due to lack of funding?
Instead, calls are routed to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, where hearing advocates answer using interpreters after hours. We need fully trained Deaf advocates that can answer using American Sign Language any time they are needed. Who do we want to answer the call? Help us expand our program so Deaf Advocates are able to answer the call, 24/7.
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Donate today: www.WhoWillAnswer.orgDHN hopes to grow into a national, daily broadcast with news segments and other network programs. We currently air on local channels and online.
Let's Connect Deaf and Hearing Network:
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