Paul and Tina Sirimarco's Signalong is Over !

VIDEO: Signed - The era of Paul and Tina Sirimarco signalong is finished: A Deaf vlogger.

All about the viral video star of Paul and Tina Sirimarco' signalongs is apparently over, after the porn issue been pop-up around the blogosphere which recent reports made by public to the communities.

A Deaf activist and ASL vlogger, Taurean also known as Tar2006 claimed that the couple are currently embroiled in an online spat with Deaf activists who argue that they has culturally misappropriated American Sign Language (ASL) from Deaf and Hard of Hearing community and the sources are indicating that Paul Sirimarco, aka Paul Marco, has been deeply involved in the porn industry.

However, the individuals consistently find disgusting and sparked a chorus of outrage about the couple, anyhow, the vlogsphere responses has reacted to a video showing, www.DeafVideo.TV/237617#Comments. Some vlogsphere believe that the couple, Paul and Tina Sirimarco have been giving the ASL community a bad reputation.

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